• The courses we offer are listed below.

    All courses:

    • Are Self-paced. Do the course at your pace. 
    • Are Online. All you need is a PC/MAC that is on the Internet.
    • Include access to REAL Ubiquiti hardware. You are granted exclusive access to a real training kit for up to 7 days. You choose when the 7-days starts; it is NOT when you enrol in the course.
    • Include a Certificate of Completion on successful answering of an online quiz.

    To start a course:

    • Create a free account, or login if you already have one.
    • Click on the course in which you want to enrol.
    • Choose if you want to pay in Australian or US dollars.
    • Proceed with the secure payment. We do not get to see your card details.

Available courses

Version 8

This course is based on the Ubiquiti airOS Version 8.

This course is based on the Ubiquiti UISP system for managing Ubiquiti UISP products.

Note: Pre-Requisite

UniFi Network V8 Course 1 must be completed before starting this course.

UniFi Network Version 8 - Course 2

This course is based on the Ubiquiti Version 8 Network Controller, and uses a UniFi Dream Router.

UniFi Network Version 8 - Course 1

This course is based on the Ubiquiti Version 8 Network Controller, and uses a UniFi Dream Router.